Thursday 17 December 2009

So Farewell Then, My Splendid Stag.....

Some of you may remember a blog entry back in October about the amazing wire and recyled biscuit tin sculptures by the brilliant Barbara Franc.  I know I waxed lyrical about their quality and their beauty, and clearly I am not alone in seeing this.  Since first introducing Barbara's work to Scotland in October, a number of pieces have found a new home in these parts. 
The latest to move on to pastures new is Splendid Stag; that charming, ironic and handsome chap that has been greeting everyone as they come into the gallery over the last two months.
Last Friday, I delivered Splendid Stag to his new residence in the Borders - a beautiful converted Kirk, where he has the company of a fine Alsation and where he looks absolutely at home, standing guard over the lovely galleried hall.
Here he is, on the floor in the gallery, getting ready to be wrapped for the journey,
And here he is, in situ in his new home

Although you can't tell from this image, it really is the perfect place for him.
One of the things I love about Barbara's work is the painstaking attention to detail that is evident everywhere and which always add to the pleasure of owning a work of art.  For instance, we only recently found out that Barbara signs each piece by writing her surname in wire somewhere on the body of the sculpture...all you have to is find it.

In the case of Splendid Stag, it is on his neck, whereas on Little Donkey it's to be found on his stomach.  I have never seen this on a wire sculpture before, and we have had great fun looking for it on each piece we have had.
There are still a couple of Barbara Franc sculptures in the gallery, and I am delighted to be able to tell you that there will be more arriving in 2010.

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